20 business sectors that rarely lose and are quiet in 2024 (2/2)

  1. Professional Services Sector
    The next business is the professional services sector which can be found easily in various places. The industry hires an expert and professional to fill each position.

Call it accountants, engineers, programmers, social media managers, architects, lawyers, business consultants, and so forth.

The demand for labor in this sector is one of them due to healthy economic conditions and adequate company profits.

In difficult economic conditions, perhaps this industry will experience a hitch. However, in the end the income will recover over time.

  1. Technology and communications sector
    Technology businesses deliver products or services that have applications in all industries. This work deals with the development, research, and distribution of technology-based products.

Businesses that fall into the technology and communications sector typically manufacture electronic devices, create software, provide services, and more.

The beginning of pursuing this business does require considerable costs. In addition, you also need to have a series of skills relevant to this area to make the process easier.

If you don’t have one, it doesn’t hurt if you take a programming course or training. Some of the fields that technology and communication are popular in today are such as Web design, robotics, extended reality, CXM, content automation, podcasting, artificial intelligence, streaming services, e-commerce, publishing ebooks, mobile application development, social media consultant, and so forth.

  1. Stationery Store
    Stationery store is an example of a business that rarely loses because the target market is very large. This business is aimed at school children, students, educators, and offices so that this business is never empty.

This business is suitable to be opened in areas close to schools, campuses, or tutoring places. The goods sold are such as books, stationery, bags, journaling tools, various types of paper, and other trinkets.

  1. Copy Shop
    A copy shop is a business that almost never dies because the world of education and companies will always need it. This business is more crowded if built in office centers, campuses, and schools. This is because many students, college students, and office workers need to photocopy to support their duties and work.
  2. Motor workshop
    The average Indonesian has a motorcycle as its main vehicle. Therefore, it is not surprising that the motorcycle workshop business is a sector that is in great demand by entrepreneurs.

Opening a type of business will never be lonely and it will be easier to make a big profit.

This is because the average consumer can spend funds ranging from hundreds to millions to repair the motor. Therefore, this business is highly recommended for those of you who want to earn big profits from doing business.

  1. Salon
    The next rare business loss is to open a salon business. This business usually provides services in the form of barbershops, smoothing, creambath, coloring, and so on.

Everyone certainly wants to look fashionable and charming with a modern hairdo. Therefore, this business can be an interesting opportunity to be cultivated for entrepreneurs.

  1. Beauty Products
    Nowadays, many people are aware of how important skin care is. Therefore, it is not surprising that many beauty care products have appeared in this industry.

Moreover, body and facial treatments are currently also done by men, so the target market of this sector is getting wider. If you have an interest and passion in the field of beauty and care, then it never hurts to run this business.

food retail business is a business that is never lonely

  1. Clothing Retail Business
    Everyone would agree that clothing is one of the primary human needs. Therefore, this business will continue to develop, it will never be lonely, and it will be needed from time to time.

If you want to pursue this business, then you need to target the market first. Do you want to provide special clothing for children, women, men, costumes, traditional clothes, fabrics or others? It depends on your decision to manage the course of this business yourself.

  1. Expedition effort
    Currently, the expedition business is progressing very rapidly, so this business is never empty of enthusiasts. This is not denied because the delivery of goods over long distances can cut time and energy, so it can be more efficient. In addition, the growth of the expedition business is also due to the massive use of applications by the community marketplace.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the number of online transactions is getting higher and makes the expedition business a very important need today. Some examples of freight forwarders are TIKI, Shopee Standard Express, Lion Parcel, ESL Express, REX, IDL, Wahana, J&T Express, JNE, SAP Express, and many more.

These companies open partnership opportunities, so anyone can apply to become a partner. However, before that, first study the terms and conditions that apply in order to get approval to become a partner of the expedition agent.

  1. Mini gas station
    The next business that rarely loses is gas stations, which is a very important sector for the people of Indonesia. As is known, fuel oil is a necessity that has a vital role to support transportation.

Therefore, mini gas stations will always be sought in various places or regions. Do not be afraid if this business will be quiet. Moreover, the fuel also can not be stale like food. So, you could say that the mini gas station business is a bright opportunity to run.

  1. Laundry
    As you know, many people are busy carrying out routines outside the home. This causes people to not have time to wash clothes or various other types of fabrics. Therefore, the laundry business will always be needed because humans cannot escape clothes.

This business can bring great profits even though the capital spent is minimal. You only need to provide a washing machine, washing equipment, iron, detergent, clothes rack, clothesline, hanger, and others. This business is very promising, especially if it is opened in a strategic urban area.

content creation is a rare process

  1. Content Creator
    Being a content creator doesn’t always have to require capital. As long as you have ideas, creativity, originality and confidence, then anyone can go into this field.

The development of technology is the reason why people who have a career as a content creator are more and more. In addition to improving existence, working in this sector can also bring abundant income coffers.

A career as a content creator does not always have to be a YouTuber because there are many containers or media that can be occupied. Call it Tiktok, Instagram, and various other platforms.

If you are already famous, the income you can get is not only from the works you have created, but also from other sources, for example, such as filling seminars, becoming a guest star, receiving endorsements, and so on.

  1. Tailor
    If there are sellers of clothes, then there are definitely people who sew them. Sewing business opportunities seem to be timeless and never lonely because they are always needed by various groups.

The work that is generally done in this field is measuring, making patterns, designing, sewing, embroidery, and others. It should be underlined that working as a tailor does not always have to wrestle with clothes.

If you want to pursue other sewing elements, you can choose to sew curtains, bed linen sets, plate holders, mukena, school bags, and much more. From this, it can be seen that the job prospects as a seamstress are very broad and promising.

  1. Photographer
    The service field is one of the timeless professions, one of which is the field of photography or videography which is currently increasingly needed because of the era of development.

Digital marketing strategies require a lot of visualization assets so that the content becomes more interesting and the audience gets the message. People also still need photography services to record important events for their lives such as graduations and weddings.

  1. Material Store
    This business seems to require considerable capital in its pioneering. However, its potential is quite large because it is a basic need in building and renovating infrastructure.

Therefore, running a material store business will never be a loss and quiet if managed with effective management.