Short funny stories and Tebak-Tebakan Lucu

Stories can always be something that attracts the interest and attention of many people. There are various types of stories that can be told, one of which is a short funny story and tebak-tebakan lucu.

Short funny stories can help improve someone’s bad mood, and of course, entertain and make people laugh. It turns out that short funny stories are also different from anecdotes. In addition, it turns out that short funny stories also have some of their own characteristics.

So because of this, this time Yupi will provide 15 short funny stories, complete with the characteristics of funny stories. Read more!

  1. The Curious Turtle
    There was a very curious little turtle. One day, he asked the snail, “Why are you walking so slowly?” The snail replied, “Because I don’t want to miss the beautiful scenery around me!” The turtle laughed and said, “That’s why my house is on my back, so I never miss my house!”

The turtle then walked excitedly, wanting to show the snail how fast he could go with the house on his back. However, without realizing it, he hit an electric pole hard! The snail who saw the incident could only shake his head and said, “Maybe you really will never miss your house, but it seems like you always bump into things!”

  1. The Elephant and the Ant
    The elephant wanted to join the ant-ant game, but the ant said, “You are too big to hide in our little hole!” The elephant tried to get in but could only fit his trunk. All the ants laughed at the elephant trying to hide behind a blade of grass.

The embarrassed elephant then said, “Okay, okay. But can you at least help me find my contact lens? I think I lost one trying to get into your hole!” The ants laughed even harder at the elephant’s ridiculous request.

  1. The Chicken Who Wanted to Fly
    The little chicken tried to fly. He jumped off the fence, ran fast, and even tried to jump off the roof tiles. Each time, he only ended up tumbling to the ground. Finally, the chicken said, “Maybe I am better suited to running, not flying. Just running makes me happy!”

One day, the chicken saw a group of ducks flying gracefully over the pond. He ran to the pond and said to the ducks, “Teach me how to fly like you!” The ducks looked at him in confusion and said, “We can’t teach you to fly, but we can teach you how to swim!” The chicken looked very happy and said, “Wow, that’s a great idea! I’ve always wanted to learn how to swim!”

  1. Monkey and Banana
    The monkey found a banana on the ground and was very happy. He ran to his friends and shouted, “Look! I found natural ice cream!” His friends laughed and said, “That’s not ice cream, it’s a banana!” The monkey smiled and said, “To me, this is more delicious than ice cream!”

The monkey then peeled the banana and started eating it greedily. Suddenly, he felt something strange in his mouth. He took out a banana seed and said in surprise, “Wow, this natural ice cream also has seeds! But it’s okay, I really like the taste of seeds!” The monkey’s friends laughed out loud at his funny behavior.

  1. The Confused Cow

The cow saw her reflection in the lake and asked, “Who is that beautiful cow in the water?” The fish in the lake replied, “It’s you!” The cow was surprised and said, “Oh, I didn’t know I could swim!” And all the fish laughed at the confused cow.

The cow then tried to jump into the lake to meet the beautiful cow in the water. However, she couldn’t swim and drowned! Luckily, a farmer saw her and immediately helped her. After being saved, the cow said sadly, “It turns out I can’t swim. I thought I was a mermaid!” The farmers and fish in the lake burst out laughing at the innocent words of the cow.

  1. The Lion Who Lost His Voice
    The lion lost his voice and could only whisper. When he tried to roar, the sound came out “s-s-suh!” The zebra heard it and said, “Lion, your voice is like a gentle breeze!” The lion smiled shyly and said, “Maybe I should start whispering more often!”

The lion then tried to roar loudly in front of the mirror. However, what came out was still his cute whispering sound. He sighed and said, “Well, I guess I have to retire from scaring zebras. Maybe I can switch careers to become a comedian?”.

  1. Penguin and Snow
    The little penguin didn’t know what snow was. When it first started snowing, he asked, “Why is cotton falling from the sky?” The penguin’s mother laughed and said, “It’s not cotton, it’s snow! It makes our house white and clean!” The penguin played happily in the new snow.

He was so happy that he made a snowball. More at lucu